Entries by Liz Smith

Don’t run from machine safety. Embrace it! 

Industrial accidents can be very costly. Thankfully, advancements in machine safety technologies are making it easier than ever for OEMs to implement machine safety solutions that protect their customers’ greatest asset, their workers. 

Safety by design in 3 easy steps

Industrial accidents involving electricity and electrified equipment are one of the leading causes of lost hours and employee fatalities. By choosing the right electrical components, panelboard OEMs can help customers promote workplace safety.

4 ways equipment OEMs help meet the growing demand for battery power

Battery manufacturers play a critical role in meeting the worldwide demand for battery power as do the equipment OEMs that ensure these manufacturers can meet their customer commitments. Here are four ways these OEMs contribute to the battery manufacturers’ operations. 

Actionable strategies for data center cooling efficiency and sustainability 

Data centers consume as much as 3% of the world’s energy. With 40% of that energy usage coming from cooling systems, HVAC OEM panel builders play a vital role in helping data center operators keep energy consumption in check. Motor control systems designed for the unique needs of data center cooling can help. 

Cost-effective short circuit current solutions   

With temperatures as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit, an arc flash can result in catastrophic injuries, substantial equipment damage, and unplanned downtime. ABB’s cost-effective short-circuit solutions help utilities and industry increase electrical safety and mitigate the damage caused by an arc flash incident.

Battery energy storage: Ensuring power reliability at net zero 

Utilities and grid operators are keenly interested in battery energy storage systems to support the supplementation and eventual replacement by renewables of fossil fuel generation sources. In recent years, the market for battery energy storage systems has grown to include additional applications such as industrial power backup systems, support for EV charging, and even residential […]