Cost-Effective Short Circuit Current Solutions

Cost-effective short circuit current solutions   

With temperatures as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit, an arc flash can result in catastrophic injuries, substantial equipment damage, and unplanned downtime. ABB’s cost-effective short-circuit solutions help utilities and industry increase electrical safety and mitigate the damage caused by an arc flash incident.

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Arc flash mitigation solutions

3 Approaches to reducing the danger and damage of arc flash

There are a number of ways to help reduce the damage and danger of arc-flash events. There’s also a way simply to help prevent them. Learn more about three common methods of arc-flash mitigation. 

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Repair or replace

Repair or replace your switchgear lineup: Four things to consider

Repair or replace? It’s a question repeatedly faced by plant engineers and maintenance managers. For power distribution equipment, there are four important considerations when making that decision.

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